Boat Surveyors Palm Beach – What You Must Know About Working with a Marine Surveyor

Hiring boat surveyors Palm Beach is something you must do if you want to buy a used boat or want to understand the current condition of your boat. The surveyor will perform a thorough evaluation of your boat and compile a report that helps you understand its fair market and replacement value, cost of repairs, and other information that helps you understand your boat better. However, before hiring a boat surveyor, it is a great idea to start by understanding how the experience will be like.

What does a boat surveyor inspect?

The first thing boat surveyors Palm Beach do is locate and note the hull identification number (HIN) of your boat as well as the boat’s state or federal registration marks. A routine boat inspection will include moisture readings in the deck and hull. The surveyor will also check for blistering and delamination. The transom, bulkheads, and stringers will also be inspected for structural integrity. The surveyor will also take a look at the wiring, electrical systems, and test plumbing. A surveyor will include the condition of underwater gear including the struts, shafts, and propellers. The fuel system will also be inspected.

During a marine survey, the surveyor inspects and makes an inventory of all required safety gear. The list of areas that are inspected will vary from one boat to the next and depending on the type of survey that is requested. Always speak with a surveyor to know what the survey will include before you hire them.

What is required of you during the survey?

When working with a boat surveyor, it is highly recommended that you be present throughout the survey and sea trial. Being present will help you ask questions about the systems on the boat and help the surveyor around the boat.

It is good to note that the surveyor is not there to let you know if buying the boat will be a great investment. The surveyor will not help with negotiations with the owner. The surveyor will remain as objective as possible.

How long does a survey take?

The length of a marine survey depends on the boat that is being surveyed. The survey can take a few hours or a full day. You also need to note that bad weather can cause the survey to take longer. A sea trial will take between 30 to 60 minutes.

There is a lot that goes on in a marine survey. The best thing you can do is find dependable boat surveyors Palm Beach. The last thing you want is for your survey report to be turned down by an insurance or financial institution because the surveyor you used is not credited.

Boat Surveyors Palm Beach

Boat Surveyor Palm Beach – How a Damage Survey is Done

One of the reasons you may need to hire boat surveyors Palm Beach is for the purposes of damage survey. This is a survey done to determine the extent of damage to a boat. A damage survey is mostly requested after an accident or bad weather. A boat owner may hire a surveyor for this to know how many repairs are needed. In most cases, damage surveys are requested by insurance companies. In this post, we will be taking a look at a few facts you should remember about a damage survey.

Terms and reporting

The first point you should understand is that damage surveys should not take more than a day to complete. The boat surveyors Palm Beach will require no more than one full day of attendance. However, depending on the extent of damage, the marine surveyor may request additional time.

Once the survey is completed, the surveyor will provide you with a preliminary report. This report includes an outline of the incident as well as the extent of damage to the vessel. In many cases, the report will also include the estimated cost of repairs. You will then receive the final damage survey report.

How long it takes for you to get the final report will depend on a number of things. The main influencing factor is the availability of information. For example, missing invoices can delay the final report.

Cause of damage

So long as the boat owner presents an allegation as to the cause of damage to their boat, the marine surveyor will give an opinion regarding the cause of damage in the report. If no allegation has been presented by the owner, the surveyor will state their opinion regarding the cause of damage. This will be included in a separate message.

The surveyor will not give an opinion on the cause of the collision or elaborate on any appointment of blame. The surveyor will also never discuss liability. This is because doing so will prejudice underwriter’s and owner’s positions.

Purpose of a damage survey

A damage survey is usually done to report on the condition of a boat after an incident. The boat surveyors Palm Beach will simply observe then report on the extent of the damage. The surveyor will not dismantle components to determine the extent of the damage. He only listens and observes.

The above are the most important points you should understand about damage surveys. If you are hiring your own surveyor, it is always good to go with one that has many years of experience surveying boats that are similar to yours.

Boat Surveyors Palm Beach

Boat Inspector Palm Beach – Hidden Problems in Used Boats

When buying a used boat, hiring a boat inspector Palm Beach is a must. You cannot take the boat owner’s word for it or make decisions based on aesthetics. There are so many hidden problems that have to be looked at when buying a used boat. In this post, we will be focusing on the main issues that boat surveyors focus on.

Engine problems

The worst mistake you can make is buying a boat with a bad engine. Doing so will be disastrous especially when you consider your boat will not work without an engine and it costs a fortune to fix an engine. It is for this reason that the main focus of a boat inspector Palm Beach is the condition of the engine. They check the oil, the plugs and listen to how smooth the engine sounds when running. A boat surveyor will advise you to show up at least 15 minutes before the sea trial so that the boat owner doesn’t warm up the engine ahead of time to hide startup issues.

Electrical systems

Replacing the wiring on a boat is hard. The wires run under decks, through tight chases, and into closed compartments. When evaluating a used boat, you have to make sure that all the electrical items from the lights to the electronics are working properly. Don’t forget to look at the fuse box. If you see different brand fuses, this will indicate that some of the fuses have been replaced. Ask the owner why the fuses have been replaced. Don’t forget to take a survey of the state of the wiring to ensure it is well-loomed and supported.

Failing pumps

The bilge pumps are the most worrying pumps on a boat. You have to make sure that the pump works smoothly after flipping a switch. You also need to access the bilge pump and switch it on manually to make sure it works. You also need to test everything that is powered by a pump. Your marine surveyor will help confirm the condition of all pumps.


Rot is not as common in used boats as it used to be in the past. This is because most boat builders no longer use untreated wood. This does not, however, mean that you shouldn’t check for rot. Your boat inspector Palm Beach will go through the boat checking for rust and rot. The surveyor will also give recommendations on repairs.

There are many more issues you should look for including the stringers, cabin leaks, saturated foam, leaking lower units, and hull to deck joint separation. While an experienced boat surveyor will be able to look at all these issues, it doesn’t hurt to know what to focus on when reviewing a used boat.

Boat Inspector Palm Beach

Boat Surveyor Palm Beach – Which are the Main Areas Covered in a Yacht Survey

Are you in the market for a used yacht? If you have already identified the vessel that you want, the next thing you have to do is find a dependable boat surveyor Palm Beach. The role of the surveyor is to help you determine if the vessel you are after is a worthy investment or not. All in all, before you hire a surveyor you have to know what will be looked at in a yacht survey. 


One of the primary areas of focus in a yacht survey is the hull. Your boat surveyor Palm Beach will start with the hull looking at the conditions of the underwater, topsides and deck. The keel matrix or the frame arrangement is crucial together with the condition of the hull-to-keel joint. The surveyor will also check to make sure the attachment of the keel is appropriate.

In the boat survey, the surveyor looks for evidence of damage or grounding to the keel because this can be a major issue. He also lists and checks conditions of underwater fittings both externally and internally. The surveyor also makes sure the attachments and hoses are all in good condition and properly secured.


The rudder blades are often an issue more so if a boat is more than 20 years old. If the blades have absorbed a lot of moisture, this can cause structural failure. The surveyor will focus on a couple basic inspection points to confirm the overall condition of the rudder.


In a pre-purchase yacht survey, the engine has to be inspected. While a sea-trial offers the best way to determine the condition of an engine, not all issue present during a sea trial. Your surveyor will have a list of faults to check. This includes commenting on oil leaks, mounts, filters, fuel lines, condition of the engine bed, drive belts, cooling system and exhaust system. The surveyor will further check the stern gland arrangement, bearings, shaft and the condition of the propeller.

Onboard systems

The onboard systems need to be checked to ensure they don’t have any significant issues. The survey needs to comment on the navigation lights, bilge pumps, water systems, water pumps, shower pump outs and as many other systems as possible. A gas safe inspection is a worth investment and in many cases required when insuring a vessel.

Other areas checked include the following:

  • Diesel heaters
  • Rigging
  • Safety equipment

Buying a yacht is a huge investment. You want to be certain that you are buying the best boat. Working closely with an experienced boat surveyor Palm Beach will help you evaluate every aspect of the boat and be certain the investment is worth it.

Boat Surveyor Palm Beach

Marine Surveyors Palm Beach – Buying Tips for a Boat Insurance

One of the reasons boat owners hire marine surveyors Palm Beachis for the purposes of insurance. Insurance companies require a survey report before they can insure your boat. This is, however, not the only thing you need. The issuance of boat insurance is often complicated and trying to understand it can be at times confusing. If you own a boat or plan on buying a boat, you have to think about boat insurance. Here are a few tips to help you get the best cover.

Know your insurer

A boat insurance can be added on to a homeowner’s policy, be bought directly from a marine insurance specialist or be purchase from an independent insurance agent. The best way to go is buying the policy through a reputable agent or directly from a marine insurance specialist. While it may be convenient to add on to your homeowner’s policy, this option will limit you and will often not provide adequate cover.

As aforementioned, your insurer will need a marine survey report. They can either send their own surveyor for this or you can work with your own surveyor. If you plan on using your own marine surveyors Palm Beach, make sure the surveyors are approved by the insurer you are considering.

Agreed value versus actual cash value

Agreed value policies cost more upfront but potentially pay more. This policy covers the stated value of the policy in the event of total loss. With a partial loss, an agreed value policy only replaces the damaged boating equipment on ‘new for old’ basis without depreciation.

With an actual cash value policy, the policy costs less and pays up to the actual cash value in the event of total loss. This policy will also factor in depreciation in all partial and total loss. This policy is better suited for the less expensive boats or situations in which you are concerned about liability protection and defense against lawsuits than with the damage of the boat.

Ask about the salvage truth

In the event of total loss, you want to be certain the policy will cover salvage costs up to 100% of the total insured value of your boat. If 100% cover is not offered, you will end up paying salvage costs out of your pocket. It is, however, good to note that most insurers limit salvage coverage to a certain percentage of the boat’s total value.

One size doesn’t fit all

The insurance policy that works for your friends may not work for you. This is because boats have varying equipment onboard and are not all worth the same. That is why you should liaise with marine surveyors Palm Beach to understand the main areas of concern on your boat. A good surveyor will also be happy to give recommendations on the best insurance cover to take.

Marine Surveyors Palm Beach

Boat Inspection Palm Beach – What Type of Marine Survey Do You Need?

At some point in time, as a boat owner you will need a boat inspection Palm Beach. The inspection may be because you plan on selling your boat, you are buying a new boat or need a survey report for the purposes of insurance or to present to financial companies. Whatever the case, it is always good to know what type of survey you need. To help with this, we have discussed the various types of surveys available.

Condition & value survey

The condition and value survey is the most comprehensive type of boat inspection Palm Beach. It provides the client with an informed, professional opinion of a boat’s condition as well as a fair market value. The survey includes in-depth visual inspection of the structural integrity, safety of equipment and all miscellaneous onboard systems. An out of water hull inspection and a sea trial will also be done. At the end of the inspection, the marine surveyor will send you a written report of the condition & value survey. This will give detailed information on the boat and includes a list of noted discrepancies or variations. The report also includes a recommendation section which lists maintenance, safety and repair items that ought to be addressed.

Insurance survey

The purpose of an insurance survey is to help underwriters determine the condition and insurability of a vessel. The survey may be required either for an initial policy issuance or renewal. The focus of an insurance survey is the structural integrity, safety as well as an inspection of the systems installed on the vessel. The safety gear will also be inspected and noted to ensure compliance with the federal requirements and pertinent identification information will be recorded for future reference, valuation as well as claims adjustment. A survey report will also be given.

Appraisal Inspection

A boat inspection Palm Beach can be done to determine the fair market value of a boat. This inspection is known as an appraisal inspection. An inspection may be required during financing, donations, estate settlements, legal cases and so on. Focus here is to get an overall impression of the boat’s condition. The survey is less in-depth and the survey report only gives general comments on the condition of the boat and the estimated fair market value.

Damage survey

If your boat was involved in an accident or was caught up in a storm, a damage survey can be done to determine the extent of damage to the vessel. This survey can also be done on a used boat to help know the repairs that will be required and the estimated cost of the repairs. A damage survey can also be used to determine the probable cause of an accident. When filing a damage claim, the insurance company will send a surveyor who will represent the interests of the insurance company. You can hire your own surveyor to inspect the damages and make recommendations.

Boat Inspection Palm Beach

Marine Surveyor Palm Beach – Why Do You Need a Marine Survey?

Are you planning on buying a used boat? Do you want to know the exact condition of your boat? Do you want to get financing against your boat or get insurance? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you definitely need to reach out to a marine surveyor Palm Beach. But why exactly do you need a boat survey?

Get a better understanding of your prospective purchase

When buying a boat, getting a marine survey is not required. You can buy a used boat without hiring a boat surveyor. The problem with this is you will not know precisely if you are making a sound investment or not. Hiring a trained marine surveyor Palm Beach will help you get a thorough inspection of the boat from the stem to stern. The inspection will provide you with detailed insights as well as instill confidence knowing you are making a great decision buying that boat.

A boat survey report that is provided by a boat surveyor is an assurance of the condition of the vessel you are about to buy. Don’t rely on web content and photos as these are meant to promote only the positive aspects of the boat. Any information you get from the seller will also not focus on the critical issues that the boat may have. That is why you need a survey report which is done by a professional who is objective. A boat survey report will further provide carefully research current fair market as well as replacement cost values using trusted resources which are not available to the public.

Depending on a boat’s accessibility, a typical boat survey includes out-of-water as well as bottom inspection. The surveyor will also take a look at the onboard systems and also perform a sea trial. You will be provided with a full cosmetic and structural analysis, list of findings as well as recommendations. All this will give you a better understanding of the boat you are about to buy.

For the purposes of financing or insurance

If you don’t have the money to purchase a boat, lenders will require a survey to be done. This is usually done to determine the precise value of a boat. The lender will use the survey report to determine how much they should lend you.

For the purposes of insurance, you will be required to get a boat survey. Insurance companies usually have areas that have to be covered in an inspection. You need to make sure that you find a marine surveyor Palm Beach that will be accepted by your insurance company. You also need to request a list of things that the insurance company want to be included in the survey.

Bearing in mind buying a boat is a huge investment, you want to be certain you are not buying a doomed boat. It is the job of the marine surveyor to ensure you are not making a mistake.

Marine Surveyor Palm Beach

Boat Inspector Palm Beach – What You Should Know About Pre-Purchase Boat Surveys

A boat survey is needed when buying a used boat. However, to take the full advantage of the services of a boat inspector Palm Beach, you have to get a deeper understanding of what is involved in a boat survey. In this post we will be looking at the survey guidelines followed by surveyors, the scope of a pre-purchase survey and what you should do to get the most out of the survey.

Guidelines followed by boat surveyors

Bearing in mind a boat inspector Palm Beach will only listen and observe, it is easy to assume that he or she will cut corners when performing a marine survey. This is not true. A qualified boat surveyor is required to adhere to the Code of Federal Regulations (also referred to as the Coast Guard regulations). These regulations cover the minimal requirements for sanitation, navigation lights, safety equipment, electrical and fuel systems and engine.

The surveyor also has to adhere to the American Boat and Yacht Council Standards. These are recommendations that carry a lot of weight more so after an accident or if a failure ends up in court. Additional standards that surveyors have to follow include those from the National Fire Protection Agency and the Offshore Special Regulations. While the surveyor does make judgement calls, he must first adhere to regulations from a multitude of sources depending on the boat being inspected.

Scope of a Survey

A marine survey is a snapshot of the condition of a boat at the specific time it is being inspected. That is why you should never rely on old surveys. You also need to remember that the type of survey performed will be influenced by market forces which have created a ‘normal’ pre-purchase ‘condition and value’ survey.

A classic survey routine begins with a slip. The haul and bottom are cleaned and an inspection done once the boat dries up. The boat is re-launched and the boat inspector Palm Beach performs a sea trial. The surveyor will have to modify the routine depending on the weather. If the weather is too bad, the survey may be rescheduled.

At the end of the survey, the surveyor will write a report with a description of the boat and its systems, findings and recommendations, statement of the vessel’s overall condition and the fair market and replacement value of the boat.

How to get the most out of a boat survey

Whether you are buying or selling a boat, to get the most out of the survey you must first ensure you hire a reputable surveyor. Second, you need to get the boat ready for the survey by decluttering and making the necessary boat yard arrangements. You should also be present during the survey to help the boat inspector Palm Beach do his job and ask any question you may have.

Boat Inspector Palm Beach

How to Find the Best Boat Surveyors Palm Beach

Ask ten boat surveyors Palm Beacha marine survey question and you will get eleven different answers. To be a smart consumer of boat survey services, it helps to understand surveyors themselves as well as realize that every boat is different. You also have to keep in mind that there are no specific requirements or licenses required for a person to becomes a boat surveyor.

Anybody can call themselves a boat surveyor. The only difference is that being an unqualified surveyor means you will not be able to attract as many customers and insurance and finance companies will be unwilling to accept reports from you. with that out of the way, let’s take a look at the key considerations you need to make when searching for qualified boat surveyors Palm Beach.

Consider the surveyor’s background

Marine surveyors come from various backgrounds. Some have been boat owners themselves while other specialize in the inspection of specific types of boats. The ideal surveyors to work with are those with a considerable amount of experience working in the boating or boat building industry. Second, you have to ensure that the surveyor you are considering has experience surveying the type of boat you own or intend on buying. If they have surveyed boats similar to yours, they will be able to find their way around the boat and spot problems easily. If the surveyor is inspecting a racing sailboat for the first time, you can expect to get an average survey. When buying a used boat, you don’t want an average survey, do you?

Checking the website of a boat surveyor will give you a feel of their backgrounds as well as their area of familiarity. While on their website, find out if they have ever surveyed the make and model of boat that you are considering. If they have, contact them and ask about what they look for when surveying a boat like yours. Asking for a sample report will help you get a feel of the approach they use in boat surveys.


Now that you are certain the boat surveyors Palm Beach on your listhave what it takes to give you a detailed report, the next step is to narrow down your list. The first thing you need to do here is to check the availability of the surveyor. If they are too busy, some surveyors will decline your request. If they do, ask if they have anyone in the area that they can recommend.

The key to finding the best marine surveyors in Palm Beach is to find the perfect match between the surveyor and the specific boat you want to be surveyed. Never rush the process and always stick with the survey you feel confident working with.

Boat Surveyors Palm Beach

Points to Remember Before a Boat Inspection Palm Beach

Are you ready for a boat inspection Palm Beach? If you are, you probably have already zeroed in on some of the best marine surveyors in the area. You have also done the math on how long the survey will take and compiled a list of things your surveyor will do. All this is, however, not enough. There are a couple more things every boat surveyor wishes you would do.

Do not rush the process

As a boat owner in need of an urgent boat inspection Palm Beach, you definitely want the survey to be done as soon as possible. What most people don’t understand is that even if the boat surveyor is available at the time you call him, delays are often unavoidable. This is due to the fact that surveys are usually done outside. The weather is a major concern. Moisture meters are not much good when used in the rain.

Away from the weather, the boat will need to be handled by a boatyard. Moving the boat and other items out of the way may cause further delays. The boat owner has to make arrangements for the sea-trial too. All these things cause unavoidable delays.

Prepare sufficiently for the inspection

The mistake most boat owners make is that of not taking the time to get their boat ready for the inspection. For starters, the boat owner or representative has to be aboard in order to guide the surveyor around the boat. Second, it is the job of the owner or owner’s representative to use tools to remove panels and to make it easy to access areas around the boat. The work of the surveyor is simply to observe and listen.

When getting ready for the boat inspection Palm Beach, you need to remove all the unnecessary gear out of the way and clean the vessel. Doing so will make it easier for the surveyor to assess the boat. Don’t force the boat surveyor to work around obstacles because that will only get in the way of his work.

The sea-trial

The purpose of a sea-trial is to evaluate the operation of the vessel. If you are not familiar with the vessel, you should arrange for someone to drive the boat. You also need to have as few people aboard as possible during the sea-trial. You also need to ensure all the hatches are up because the surveyor will walk in and out of every place on the boat. The less people you have aboard the easier it will be for the surveyor to do his work.

Leave the surveyor out of the negotiation process

Last but not least, unless you asked the surveyor to help with the negotiations, you should try leave him out. Surveyors generally talk only about the survey to their client.

Boat Inspection Palm Beach