Survey Guidelines Followed by Boat Surveyors Palm Beach

If you have done your research on boat surveys, then you know that boat surveyors Palm Beach trusts simply observes and creates a report on their findings. They do not take components apart or repair damages. If there are issues that need more attention, the surveyor will request that you bring in a mechanic or electrician to take a closer look. The primary job of a surveyor is to help you understand the condition of a vessel and give recommendations on repairs and fair market value.

While their job is simply to observe and report, boat surveyors Palm Beach believes in do not just act on their own opinions. There are certain guidelines they follow. For example, when a boat survey is needed for purposes of insurance, an insurance provider will give a list of items that have to be covered in the survey. The surveyor also adheres to various other guidelines.

Code o Federal Regulations (CFRs)

This is also referred to as the ‘Coast Guard regulations’. The purpose of this regulation is to cover minimal requirements for safety equipment, sanitation, navigation lights, fuel and electrical systems, and engine. Although diesel-powered boats are free from electrical and mechanical regulations, they have to comply with other regulations.

American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC)

These standards are less of regulations but more of recommendations. They carry significant weight in the vent of failure or accident getting in court. The standards are quite extensive and they cover about everything on a vessel apart from the basic design and construction. Bearing in mind that the regulations are comprehensive, most of the sections don’t apply to one individual vessel or another. All in all, most of the systems a boat surveyor sees will have relevant recommendations from the American Boat and Yacht Council.

National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA)

While doing their work, surveyors will also need to cite standards from the National Fire Protection Agency. There are cases where a surveyor may use other sources. For example, a surveyor can judge the lifelines on racing sailboards based on Offshore Special Regulations which is the body that sets rules on offshore sailboat racing.

While these are just some of the survey guidelines a boat surveyor in Palm Beach will follow, judgement calls are still there. That is why it is so important that you only contact experienced surveyors with an impeccable track record. The set standards cannot help evaluate the significance of an elevated moisture reading or the level of wear in hoses or belts. Only experience will help a surveyor evaluate this accurately.

Boat Surveyors Palm Beach