When Should You Hire a Marine Surveyor Palm Beach?

There are many reasons why you may have to work with a marine surveyor Palm Beach. In most cases, people contact a surveyor when buying a used boat. Their goal here is to get a pre-purchase survey. This is a comprehensive survey done to understand the exact condition of a vessel. Needless to say, a pre-purchase survey is very important when you don’t want to make a bad investment. It is the most thorough of all marine surveys. This is, however, not the only time you may need the input of a survey. You may need a surveyor for the following reasons.

Valuation surveys

It is good to know the exact value of your vessel, isn’t it? If this is what you need, you can bring in a marine surveyor Palm Beach for a valuation survey. In most cases, this type of survey is requested either for finance, insurance or taxation purposes. It covers the same scope as a pre-purchase survey with the primary focus being determining the ‘fair market price’ of the vessel.

Insurance survey

Just as the name implies, an insurance survey is done for the purposes of insurance. This survey is similar to a full condition survey only that focus is paid to the structural integrity as well as safety aspects of the boat. the purpose of the survey is to help the insurance provider assess the insurable risk of the boat. In most cases, this survey will be required by insurance companies for first entry at 5 to 10-year intervals.

In most cases, insurance providers are satisfied with the less-than-a-full surveys. Therefore, to avoid incurring unnecessary delays and costs, start by making sure that the boat surveyor you hire for an insurance survey will be approved by your insurance company. You should also ask the insurance company for the list of items that must be included in the survey report.

Damage assessments

This type of survey is usually requested by the underwriters. It helps the insurance broker to assess the extent and cause of a marine incident. The survey is more of an incident investigation. It is meant to identify the cause of marine loss. A forensic examination of failed components or systems helps identify the cause of failure. At the end of the assessment, the insurer will be able to know if the loss is covered by the insurance policy.

Corrosion survey

These are inspections done to assess the state of cathodic protection of a vessel. The purpose is to troubleshoot or prevent corrosion problems. The survey involves the assessment of onboard installations and dock installations where the boat is usually docked.

Marine Surveyor Palm Beach

Key Inspection Points by Boat Surveyors Palm Beach

If you are thinking about buying a used boat, you must ensure you have in-depth information about the vessel before proceeding with the purchase. This is because some repairs and upgrades can be very expensive. The input of boat surveyors Palm Beach can help you know what works and what doesn’t on a vessel. You can use this information to either negotiate a better deal with the seller or simply look for another vessel. But what exactly do surveyors look for in a boat inspection?


No matter how well maintained the haul and systems seem to be, if the engine has a problem, the boat will not perform. That is why a key area of inspection during a boat survey is the engine bay. If the boat is an inboard or sterndrive, the engine bay will give a lot of information on how well the vessel has been maintained. Boat surveyors Palm Beach look at how dry and clean the engine bay is. They consider if rigging is well-supported and neat and if it is free of corrosion and rust. The engine hours are also considered. The more hours an engine has, the more unreliable it might be.


The marine surveyor will then test the systems on the vessel. All the electronics will be fired up and the surveyor will pay attention to the generator, pumps, air conditioning, stereo, drive trim, trim tabs, lights and all other systems. The objective here is to take note of the systems that are not working and the ones that are missing. This information will be provided in the survey report.

Sea trial

Simply firing up the systems and engine will not offer adequate information to determine the condition of the vessel. That is why your surveyor will most likely recommend a sea trial. A sea trial helps evaluate how the vessel performs in real-world conditions. The surveyor will take note of how the engine performs and check for leaks. Anything that underperforms during the sea trial will be documented.

Get the boat hauled

Some areas cannot be inspected until the vessel is out of the water. That is why you should make arrangements for the boat to be hauled. This will help the surveyor to inspect the bottom for obvious defects such as damaged running gear, hull blisters, broken trim tabs, excessive fouling and so on.

A boat survey might reveal very grim details about your dream boat. You must, therefore, be prepared to walk away if major issues are revealed. Don’t let the excitement of owning the boat cloud your judgement. The case is the same if the price is way over your budget.

Boat Surveyors Palm Beach

Working with a Boat Surveyor Palm Beach

A boat surveyor Palm Beach is a specialist that has been certified to perform a boat inspection. They work for the hiring party. What this means is if the buyer hires a surveyor, the surveyor will be accountable to the buyer and vice versa if the seller hires the surveyor. The hiring party is also responsible for paying the surveyor. If you plan on hiring a surveyor, there are a couple of things you need to know.

Who to hire

There are many surveyors you can reach out to. Not all of them are certified. Some will offer big promises and deliver mediocre services. To avoid surprises, choose a boat surveyor Palm Beach that has significant experience inspecting boats that are similar to yours. The right surveyor will also be willing to speak to you to answer basic questions, provide references as well as supply samples of past surveys to help you gauge their competence. You should, however, not expect a surveyor to answer specific questions without first assessing your boat. You should also not expect the surveyor to tear components apart to have a look inside. That is the work of a mechanic or electrician.

Before hiring a marine surveyor in Palm Beach, you should speak to at least three surveyors. This will help you know the kind of services that various surveyors offer and help you pick the one that is the best fit. At times, based on the type of survey you need, you may end up needing the services of more than one type of surveyor.

What is inspected

Knowing what the boat surveyor will be inspecting can help you be at peace throughout the survey. The first thing your surveyor will do is find and note the Hull Identification Number (HIN) as well as the federal registration marks. A routine inspection will include the following:

  • Taking moisture readings in the deck and hull
  • Checking for blistering or delamination
  • Inspecting the transom, bulkheads and stringers
  • Reviewing the electrical systems and wiring
  • Reviewing and testing the plumbing
  • Checking the condition of underwater gear such as propellers, struts and shafts
  • Checking key fasteners like structural bolts
  • Fuel system inspection

The marine surveyor will make an inventory of all his findings. You will get a list of required safety gear depending on the type and size of your boat. If the boat comes with a trailer, the trailer will be reviewed thoroughly to ensure it is the right size for your boat.

There is a lot that goes into a boat survey. The best thing you can do is give the boat surveyor Palm Beach ample time and space to do their work. You should also not expect the surveyor to help with the negotiations. The surveyor is only there for a thorough assessment of your boat.

Boat Surveyor Palm Beach

Getting Ready for a Boat Survey? Do This

Hiring a boat inspector Palm Beachis the best thing you can do if you don’t want to end up with a doomed vessel. The inspector/surveyor will evaluate every aspect of your boat to ensure it is in perfect condition. They will report on major issues and help you understand the fair market value. In addition to that, the surveyor will help you know how much it will cost to insure the boat and how much the repairs will cost. All in all, for you to get the best experience during a survey, you need to get your boat ready for the survey. Here is how you prepare for a boat inspection.

Arrange for a boat lift

If what you need is a comprehensive boat survey, the surveyor will have to inspect the hull. This will include inspecting the bottom of the boat. To facilitate this, you need to make arrangements for a boat lift at a time that is convenient for the boat inspector Palm Beach. You have to ensure the surveyor will have enough time to inspect the hull without being pressured by the yard to relaunch. To speed up the process, make sure the boat is already lifted by the time the surveyor is arriving.

Play your part

Before allowing a survey to be done, a seller will require you to commit to buying the boat. In most cases, you will be required to pay a deposit and sign a contract. Make sure this is all done before the surveyor arrives. Second, you should take the step to declutter the vessel. Remove anything that will not be sold with the boat. You also need to wash the hull to make it easy for the surveyor to inspect it.

Confirm the appointment with the surveyor in writing

The last thing you want is to spend money getting the boat lifted and cancelling your day plans only for the surveyor not to show. To avoid such inconveniences, you need to confirm the date in writing.

Have all the keys to every corner of the craft

The work of the boat surveyor is to observe, listen and document. To do their job properly, they need unrestricted access to every part of the vessel. That is why as you get ready for the surveyor to arrive you need to get the keys to every lock on the boat.

Ensure the batteries are charged

Another thing that can inconvenience a boat inspector is flat batteries. Batteries are needed when testing various systems on the boat. If the batteries are not working on the day of the inspection, the surveyor will not be able to do his job.

A lot goes into a boat survey. Make sure that the vessel is ready for an inspection, days before the surveyor arrives. The easier it is for a surveyor to do his job the more dependable the survey report will be.

Boat Inspector Palm Beach

Facts to Remember About Working with a Boat Inspector Palm Beach

Have you ever worked with a boat inspector Palm Beach? If you haven’t, you definitely have a lot of questions mostly on how the survey process works. In this post, our focus will be on the crucial facts you must remember before you hire a surveyor. Keeping these facts in mind will help avoid frustrations once work starts.

You pay the surveyor

The first point you need to remember is the boat inspector Palm Beach is paid by the person who requests the services. This means if you are the one hiring a boat surveyor, you will be the one paying for their services. In some situations, the seller may hire a surveyor in order to understand the condition of their vessel, the fair market value and to instill confidence in potential buyers. In this case, the seller will pay for the services.

How much does it cost?

A surveyor may charge a flat fee or per foot. The per-foot rate is the most common and usually ranges from $20 to $30 per foot. It is also common for surveyors to charge you for their transport costs if your boat is located in an inaccessible location.

The surveyor only works for you

The surveyor only works for the person that hires them. If you are the one hiring the surveyor, you can be certain the surveyor will only share his findings with you. They will not disclose any information to the broker or vendor. This is unless you give them the green light to do so. Immediately after the survey is done, it is common for the surveyor to give you an overview of their findings and a walkthrough of the vessel. It will take about three days for the surveyor to compile a detailed survey report.

You pay for dry-docking

Hull surveys as well as full pre-purchase surveys usually require dry-docking. This is done to help the surveyor get a better view of the boat while it is out of water. You will be the one paying for the slipping. In most cases, surveyors prefer that the boat be already dry-docked by the time they arrive. You don’t have to pressure wash the hull. However, if the surveyor realizes there is excessive corrosion or pitted steelwork, he may suggest the hull be grit blasted or an abrasive process be used to remove the coating, corrosion and marine growth.

A surveyor is not a mechanic

Last but not least, always keep in mind that while the boat inspector may have experience as a mechanic, their job during the survey will be observing and listening alone. Yes, they may use imaging tools like infrared to look inside components but they will never take components apart. If they suspect there is a problem, they will advise you to call in a mechanic or electrician. They will continue with their work once the issue has been assessed by a specialist.

Boat Inspector Palm Beach

Questions to Ask Before a Boat Inspection Palm Beach

While there are many individuals who call themselves surveyors, you have to be careful before hiring someone for a boat inspection Palm Beach. Before hiring a surveyor, you need to ask them the right questions so as to determine if they have what it takes to deliver the service you need. In this post, we will be focusing on the questions you must ask before the inspection starts.

Have you surveyed boats similar to mine?

This is a question that will let you know if the surveyor will deliver quality services or not. If he has no experience conducting a boat inspection Palm Beach on a boat that is similar to yours in terms of make and model, chances are he will miss some things. If the experience of a boat surveyor is strictly powerboats and you are buying a sailboat, the service they offer might not be as great. You might want to keep looking for another boat surveyor. If they say they have worked on a boat that is similar to yours, ask for a sample report and review it before making a decision.

What will the inspection include?

A good surveyor will include a thorough inspection of the boat’s deck, hull, superstructure and systems. As they go through these items, the surveyor will be checking if the vessel’s equipment and systems are in compliance with the current standards that are defined by the USCG, NFPA, and the ABYC. If there is an issue that needs specialized attention, the surveyor will recommend bringing in a mechanic or electrician to take a closer look.

What will be included in the survey report?

A competent surveyor will provide you with a thorough and detailed written report. The report describes the various parts of the boat, detailed information about the hull’s condition as well as the condition of equipment and systems. The survey report is usually between 30 to 40 pages. The length depends on the size of the boat being surveyed and the type of survey being done. A comprehensive report will also include photographs, recommendations and findings of the boat’s condition.

How long does the survey take?

The duration of the survey will depend on the type of boat you are buying. The survey of boats that are less than 25 feet long takes about two to three hours. This includes a sea trial. For bigger boats, the survey can take between four to six hours. The survey of boats that are longer than 50 feet can take up to two days to complete. Once the survey is done, you will get the survey report within two to three business days.

Boat Inspection Palm Beach

Marine Surveyors Palm Beach – Answers to Common Questions About Marine Survey

When it is time to work with marine surveyors Palm Beach, you will find yourself asking a series of questions. While most of these questions will revolve around cost, there are many more questions you will ask. In this post, we will be answering some of the most frequently asked questions about boat surveys.

How long does the survey take?

This is among the first questions you will find yourself asking a marine surveyors Palm Beach. What you must understand is that how long the survey takes depends on a number of things including the size and type of the vessel. A boat survey can take between a few hours to a full day to complete. The weather conditions, the complexity of the boat and the need for a sea trial can cause the survey to last longer.

How much does the service cost?

The amount you end up paying will depend on the surveyor you are working with. Some surveyors will offer a flat rate while most will charge per foot of the length of the boat. The cost can be anywhere between $18 and $25 per foot. It is common for some surveyors to charge part of the per-foot time for travel. The age and location of the boat will affect survey pricing. You should try negotiating a better fee with the surveyor before they get started.

Why would you need a marine survey?

There are many reasons why you may want to get a survey done. The first is for the purposes of insurance. Most insurance companies will require a survey report before giving an offer on how much to insure your boat for. If you want to use your vessel as collateral, lenders will want a survey done to determine the value of the vessel. Boat owners can also commission a survey to help them understand the condition of their boat and know its fair market value.

How should you prepare the boat for survey?

Getting the boat ready for the survey will help speed up the process and help you get the best results. Start by getting the boat cleaned and remove anything that is not part of the boat. Doing so will make it easy for the surveyor to move around. If the survey is being done because a seller requested it, make sure you tackle periodic maintenance and handle all necessary repairs before scheduling a survey.

Marine surveyors are there to give you a better understanding of the vessel you own or plan on buying. Make sure you give them ample time to work and only hire the best surveyor that offers all the services you need. The surveyor also works for you so don’t hesitate to ask them any question you may have.

Marine Surveyors Palm Beach

How Much Does It Cost to Work with a Marine Surveyor Palm Beach

Hiring a marine surveyor Palm Beach will guarantee that you don’t invest in a doomed vessel. It is the job of the surveyor to evaluate every aspect of the boat and provide you with a detailed report. The surveyor will help you understand if the boat is fit for your desired use, if there are major repairs that ought to be done and what its average fair market value is. You can even use the survey report to negotiate a better deal with the seller.

Even with the input of a marine surveyor Palm Beach being so important, it is vital that you take time to understand how much the service will cost you. You don’t want to hire the best boat surveyor in your region only for their fees to ruin your budget, do you? That is why understanding the cost of working with a surveyor is so important.

Flat rate or per foot

There are boat surveyors who are happy to charge a flat rate for their services. This is typically charged on smaller and simpler boats. However, for the larger vessels, surveyors usually charge per foot of the boat’s length. The price ranges from $18 to $25 per foot. Don’t be surprised if your surveyor charges a portion of the per-foot time for travel to and from your boat.

Location and age of the boat

The cost charged by surveyors is also dependent on the location your boat is at and its age. As aforementioned, the surveyor may charge you for their travel expenses. This is more so if the vessel is in a location that is hard to access. As for the age of the boat, some surveyors will not take on a really old boat. Others will charge more because accessing and troubleshooting the systems of older boats is more difficult and requires the surveyors to be a little creative.

Short haul at the boat yard

The cost of a short-haul can be $15 per foot. Sailboat and engine rig surveys usually cost between $500 and $1,000. The cost will be influenced by the number of engines as well as the age of the rig.

The above are the main costs you should be prepared for. It is, however, important that you come prepared to make the payments for all the services that will be offered on the day of the survey. Have the money to pay the surveyor and for the short-haul. Some boatyards and surveyors may prefer a check rather than a credit card payment. Most vessels can be surveyed within a day while others will require a couple of days for the survey to be completed.

Marine Surveyor Palm Beach

Boat Surveyors Palm Beach – Answers to Common Questions on Boat Surveys

Working with boat surveyors Palm Beach is the best decision you can make when buying a used boat. The reason for this is the surveyor will help you better evaluate the vessel you are considering and help you know if the set selling price is fair or not. It is also the surveyor’s job to recommend repairs. Some of the findings will also help you better negotiate with the seller. However, for you to get the best services from a surveyor, you have to learn a few things about a survey. That way you will be more at ease as the surveyor works on your boat. Here are answers to the most common questions on boat surveys.

After hiring a surveyor, do I still need to bring in a mechanic?

The answer is yes. The work of boat surveyors Palm Beach is simply to listen and observe. Marine surveyors’ role is to record what they see and hear. This means a surveyor will not dismantle a component to look inside. If they suspect there is a problem, they will either use imaging equipment to look inside or recommend that you get a mechanic or electrician to look at a component.

What is slipping?

Also known as hard-standing a vessel, slipping is the process of removing a boat from the water for either repairs or inspection. For a comprehensive inspection, a boat surveyor will recommend slipping. This is a normal practice in marine surveys. The purpose is to help the surveyor or mechanic check the underwater components. Slipping may also be done to clean the bottom of the boat. Once the inspection is done, the boat will be put back in the water for a sea trial. Slipping is required in pre-purchase surveys. Insurance companies will not agree to insure your boat unless it has been ‘slipped’.

Who pays for slipping?

Typically, the buyer pays for slipping. This is a normal practice. As the buyer, you will also pay for hull cleaning. If slipping has to be done, you must make plans for the boat to be slipped. The weather also needs to be conducive otherwise the survey will be delayed. You also need to give the marine surveyor ample time to complete the inspection. If you have no idea how to go about slipping, you can liaise with the seller or broker to organize for slipping. Some sellers/brokers may have a preferred slipway. The surveyor may also have a slipway in mind.

Should I show the seller the final boat survey?

It is always recommended to share the boat survey report with the seller so that you are both in agreement. If there are defects, the seller will need the report to know what needs to be fixed. You can also use the survey report to negotiate with the seller.

Boat Surveyors Palm Beach

What are the Main Duties of a Boat Surveyor Palm Beach

Are you a boat owner or plan on buying a boat? If yes, you will require the services of a boat surveyor Palm Beach. This is an expert trained and experienced in evaluating a boat. Marine surveyors are able to inspect all types of vessels from yachts to tankers that are more than 200 meters long. There are various responsibilities that a surveyor has to fulfil.

The main responsibility of a marine surveyor is to conduct a thorough examination of a ship. In most cases, persons buying a used boat are the ones that require the services of a surveyor the most. It is, however, good to note that you will also benefit from the input of a boat surveyor Palm Beach when buying a new vessel. The surveyor can evaluate the boat before it is delivered to you. This is done not just to determine the seaworthiness of the boat but to make sure all your specifications have been addressed.

One of the key reasons you need the input of a boat surveyor is to be certain of the condition of your boat. The surveyor will inspect every inch of the boat and report on damages, missing components and if necessary recommend bringing in a mechanic. Surveyors simply listen and observe. They never take components apart. That is why it is not uncommon to be advised to bring in a mechanic or electrician before a marine survey is given.

The marine surveyor ensures all the equipment and machinery are working properly. This will include components like engines, navigation and communication equipment. The surveyor will also check the safety and emergency equipment to ensure they are in good operating conditions. The surveyor will also witness tests and ensure the reports are within the acceptable standards.

Another key duty of a surveyor is to perform an investigation of maritime accidents. This could be done to help you know if the boat you are buying is accident-free. The service may also be requested by an insurance organization or a ship-owner to get to the root of the problem.

The surveyor will determine the extent of the damage. To do so, the surveyor will consult reports of the boat before the accident. If it is submerged, a salvage will be needed. Before salvage commences, the surveyor can be brought in to determine if the wreck can be moved safely without causing more damage to the vessel itself and to the biosphere.

Most people will bring in a boat surveyor Palm Beach in order to get a fair and unbiased evaluation of their maritime assets. This is often done when planning on selling or buying a vessel. The survey will also help when applying for maritime insurance and when trying to use the vessel as collateral for a loan.

Boat Surveyor Palm Beach