Marine Surveyor Palm Beach – Important Questions to Answer When Buying a Boat

Buying your own boat gives you the freedom of being able to sail anywhere on your own terms. However, before you start living your best life, you must be very decisive when choosing a boat. This is because there is more to boat ownership than just buying one. If you are on a tight budget or you are buying your first boat, you should consider going for a pre-owned boat. This will cost you less and will not depreciate in value too much. The only caveat is you will need the services of a marine surveyor Palm Beach. The boat surveyor will inspect your boat and provide you with a detailed report on its condition. This information is very important when you don’t want to spend money on a doomed vessel.

In addition to involving a boat surveyor Palm Beach trusts, there are three very important questions you must answer before choosing a used boat.

What do you need the boat for?

This is a no-brainer. To know the size of boat you need and the features it must have, you have to think about its intended use. If you are not clear on what you need the boat for, you will end up buying a boat that ends up frustrating you. The best thing is once you know what you need the boat for, an experienced boat surveyor can help you know if the boat you are considering fits your intended purpose.  

How will you finance the purchase?

In addition to setting a budget on how much you wish to spend on the boat, you have to think about how you will be financing the purchase. The good news is there are numerous financing options you can use today. The available options include:

  • Getting a bank loan
  • Working with a marine lender
  • Financing the purchase through a boat dealer or yacht broker

Unless it is a small boat, most people don’t pay for a boat in cash. If you plan on using a financing option, a marine lender that specializes in marine financing is often the best choice. Whichever option you use, make sure you get favorable terms and get a loan that you can pay back. 

Where will you store the boat?

Last but not least, you have to think about the boat’s storage. When you are not using the boat, you have to think about where you will keep it. Popular options include keeping it docked in a home port marine or keeping it on a trailer. The bigger your boat is, the more storage space it will need and the more money it will cost you. Keep in mind that you will need special permission to transport your boat from one location to another by road.

Marine Surveyor Palm Beach

Surveyors Near Me – How Much Does a Boat Cost?

From small kayaks to super–yachts, Americans are buying boats at an unprecedented rate. In 2019, there were about 11.8 million private boat owners in the US. This number continues to rise. If you are thinking about buying a boat, the question you may be asking is how much does a boat really cost? It is not easy to pin down a number. However, before you commit to buying a specific type of boat, make sure you get the input of experienced boat surveyors near me. A surveyor will perform a boat inspection and help you know the fair market value of the boat you are after. In this post, we will be looking at the factors that affect the cost of a boat.

Condition of the boat

The condition a boat is in will significantly impact its selling price. For example, a brand new boat will cost a lot more than a used boat. While brand new boats come with a warranty and new equipment, they have one major flaw, they experience depreciation at an alarming rate. This is what makes a pre-owned boat a better investment. However, before you settle for a used boat, you have to make sure that it is in good condition. This is where the need for the services of boat surveyors near me comes in handy. The surveyor will perform a thorough inspection and help you know all the problems the boat has and what you should pay for it in a perfect market. The boat surveyor will also help you know if the vessel you are after is a good fit for your intended use.

Size and style

As expected, larger boats cost more than smaller boats. Boats that have cabins and enclosed cockpits also tend to cost a lot more than open-top boats. The more extensive an enclosed space is, the more expensive the boat is.


Just like cars, some brands are more expensive than others.  Buying a boat from a good name will definitely cost you more upfront. It will, however, save you a lot of money in the long term. For example, the Duffy boats are known and respected boatmakers. Buying a generic boat of a similar design will not offer the same reliability and quality. It will, however, cost you less.


The cost of boats is further impacted by the demand and location. When there is a high demand for boats, the cost of boats will definitely go up. To save money, you should shop in the off-season. This is usually in the winter months.


The features that a boat has will also impact the cost. Boats come in basic and fully loaded models. The fully loaded model will cost you a lot more. Simply put, the more features you choose the more expensive the purchase will be.

The only way to know precisely how much a boat should cost is to talk with a reputable dealer in your area. The input of a marine surveyor near me will further keep you from paying too much on a boat.

Surveyors Near Me

Boat Surveyor Near Me – How to Avoid Buying a Boat with a Bad Engine

When buying a boat, most buyers only focus on cosmetics. They assume that if a boat has no cosmetic issues, it is well maintained. The truth, however, is some sellers will focus on the aesthetics in order to distract you from the main issues. Before you commit to a boat, you need to get expert advice from a boat surveyor near me. The reason for doing this is the marine surveyor has the experience, training and equipment needed to identify any major issue that a boat may have.

As aforementioned, the main area buyers overlook is that on the engine or motor. Before you bring in a boat surveyor near me, it is always good to do a few checks on your own. Performing the following checks will keep you from having to bring in a surveyor for every interesting boat you find. When you do these tests, you will be able to remove some boats from your list and only bring in a marine surveyor on the boats that are a perfect candidate. Here are some of the things you should do when inspecting the engine.

Check the condition of the oil

The most obvious step when inspecting a boat motor is to check the condition of the oil. You do this using the dipstick. Remove the dipstick, wipe it with a piece of cloth then reinsert it into the engine and take it out. There are three things you should check for.

  • Oil color. If the oil looks like black ink, there might be an issue. This is unless you have a diesel engine. If the color of the oil is milky, there is a serious problem. A milky color shows that there is water getting into the engine. This indicates that there are broken parts and the condition of the engine has to be checked by a professional.
  • The gritty feeling between the fingers. A gritty feeling when you rub the oil between your fingers indicates that there are metal fillings in the oil. Metal fillings indicate a serious problem.
  • Foul smell. Oil has a distinct smell. If the smell is foil, the engine has an issue that requires a closer examination.

Take note of the boat motor hours

More boat motor hours mean the engine has been running for long. Keeping in mind that an average boater is on the water for about 50 hours per year, having 250 hours on the motor means the motor is about 5 years old. The lower the hours the better.

Ensure the motor matches the boat

Last but not least, you have to make sure the motor is the right type for the boat. The motor should have enough horsepower to power the boat without straining. Keep in mind that a motor that is too powerful for your boat can also lead to problems.

Boat Surveyors Near Me

Marine Surveyor Maryland – Questions to Ask a Boat Seller

Deciding on the boat to buy takes time. This is because there are so many options out there. Part of finding the perfect boat involves the services of a marine surveyor Maryland trusts. The surveyor will comb through every inch of the boat and help you understand the boat’s exact condition. The marine surveyor can also help you know if the boat is a good fit for your intended use.

Once you find the boat that works best for you, the next step is to arrange a viewing. This will involve discussing the sale in person, with the seller. When this time comes, you must be prepared with appropriate questions. In this post, we will be looking at the three most important questions to ask a boat seller.

What will be included in the sale?

The first and the most important question to ask is about the inclusions. One thing you need to understand is that most sellers tend to stage their boats in order to help buyers visualize what the boat can be converted into. You don’t want to make an offer only to learn that most of the items on the boat will not be included in the sale. That is why asking about inclusions is very important.

Once you know what will be included with the sale, you need to bring in an expert to assess the condition of the boat and the included items. In this case, you will need the input of a marine surveyor Maryland trusts. The surveyor will test all the equipment on the boat and make you aware of the items that need replacing or repairs. You can then use this information to negotiate a better deal with the seller.

Where and How have you been using the boat?

This is the second most important question you should ask. As you may already know, how and where the boat was previously used has a huge impact on its overall condition. For example, vessels that were used on freshwater lakes have fewer rust problems than those used in the ocean. Knowing what the boat was previously used for will further help you know if it fits your intended use.

Have you used the boat as collateral?

Last but not least, you don’t want to buy a boat that comes with burdens. For example, if the owner took out a loan using the boat as collateral, buying such a boat will be problematic. To avoid complications, buy a boat that has clean records.

Marine Surveyor Maryland

Boat Surveyors Palm Beach – How to Keep Kids Safe When Boating

Do you have kids and plan on bringing them along for your next boating adventure? If you do, the first thing you must do is learn how to keep them safe. There are a couple of things you can do to keep your kids safe. The first one is obviously to make sure your boat is a safe vessel. For this, you will require the input of boat surveyors Palm Beach. Whether you are buying a used vessel or own a used vessel, before you take your kids boating, the first thing you must do is make sure the boat is in perfect condition.

Make sure the boat is in perfect condition

Involving boat surveyors Palm Beach trusts will guarantee that your boat is in perfect condition. The marine surveyor will comb through every inch of your boat to ensure everything is in order. If you are buying a used boat, the surveyor will help you know if the boat needs major repairs or has had major repairs done. The surveyor will also help you know if the boat is a good fit for your desired activity. Simply put, the input of a marine surveyor will keep you from taking your kids out on a doomed vessel.

Teach them how to swim

Even with the perfect boat, something can always go wrong while out at sea. To give your kids a fighting chance, you should make sure they are competent swimmers. Teaching your kids how to swim is the most essential thing you should do. While this may not be an option for the smallest toddlers, the earlier your child learns how to swim the better. Ensuring your kids learn the skills of floating, treading water and being able to swim a good distance will keep them safe when you take them boating.

Bring enough life jackets

Being a good swimmer does not mean you ignore the need for life jackets. Wearing a life jacket will increase the chances of survival. As soon as you get on your boat, make sure everyone on board is wearing their life jacket. Keep in mind that kids learn from watching their parents. If you don’t wear your lifejacket, they will not understand the need for wearing one.

Create rules and safety procedures

When you practice something long enough, it will become second nature. Setting rules and practicing safety procedures before you set sail will increase the safety of your boat. Ensure there is a clear-cut set of rules that must be adhered to while on the boat. You should also practice safety procedures to ensure everyone understands them.

Childproof the boat

Another important thing you should do is to childproof your boat. This is not only a good safety procedure but also makes being on the boat more enjoyable. There are many ways of childproofing a boat. Start by ensuring the keys are always locked away and never left in the ignition. The battery selector switches and electrical panels must also be off-limits. Everything that may be hazardous must also be kept out of the reach of children. You may also consider installing lifeline netting more so when boating with toddlers.

Boat Surveyors Palm Beach

Boat Surveyor Palm Beach – Important Things to Do When Buying a Used Boat

Buying a used boat enables you to purchase the boat of your dream at a fraction of the cost. Just like new cars, used boats don’t take the blow of depreciation as hard as new boats. You will be able to get a bigger and better-used boat at a fraction of the cost of a new boat. However, this doesn’t mean every used boat you find is worth buying. Some are in terrible conditions. To avoid spending money on a doomed vessel, always get a survey done by an experienced boat surveyor Palm Beach trusts. Here are the important things you should do before committing to a used boat. 

Investigate the current value

When you bring in a boat surveyor Palm Beach trusts, the first thing the surveyor will do is compile a thorough report on the exact condition of the boat. The report will help you know if major repairs were ever done on the boat and what kind of repairs need to be done. Second, the surveyor will help you understand the fair market value of the boat. This information is very important during negotiations. The marine survey will guarantee that you never pay more than you should for a boat.

Test drive

At times, during a marine survey, a boat surveyor may recommend a sea trial. If your surveyor doesn’t offer this, you should make time to test drive the boat before giving any commitments. A test drive helps you know how it feels to drive the boat on the water. The best thing is most sellers and dealers will allow you to take their boat on a ‘test drive’. This enables you to ensure the boat works and is a perfect fit for your needs. Don’t forget to bring along a trusted boat inspector or friend for the test drive. Their opinion will help inform your final decision.

Don’t over-shop

Common mistake buyers make is spending too much time looking for the perfect boat. While this will help find the best boats in Palm Beach, over-shopping will leave you confused. Moreover, if you keep shopping, you will end up losing out on a great deal. The important point to remember is you might never find the perfect deal and you have to negotiate price and features.

Get the documentation

Last but not least, never buy a boat that doesn’t have any paperwork. The proper documentation will help you know who the real owner is and how well serviced the boat is. Once you decide on the boat to buy, you should get the proper documentation including the bill of sale, title, proof of payment and any maintenance records. Ensure these documents are notarized. These documents help keep everything legal.

Boat Surveyor Palm Beach

Boat Inspector Palm Beach – What is Looked at in an Exterior Boat Inspection?

When you hire a boat inspector Palm Beachtrusts, he will inspect every inch of your boat. His work mostly starts with the inspection of the exterior. To do this inspection well, your boat may have to be lifted out of the water. This enables the surveyor to inspect the underside of the hull. But what exactly will the surveyor focus on when inspecting the exterior?

As aforementioned, unless you have specific requirements, the inspection of a boat starts with the visual inspection of the boat’s exterior. This helps the boat inspector Palm Beach trusts get a feel of the boat’s exterior condition, its space as well as layout. Keep in mind that the exterior is what keeps water from getting in the boat. If there are any issues, a catastrophe will be inevitable.

Check for damages or repairs

To understand the condition of your boat’s exterior, the surveyor will pay attention to any damages and major repairs that have been done. The surveyor will check for cracks, signs of major repairs, and discolored areas which show repairs were made.

Inspect the transom, decks, bilge and fuel tank

The transom is the area where an outboard engine would be mounted. If the surveyor finds waterlogged wood, this shows the area has major issues. While this issue is less common in modern boats, older wooden vessels are more susceptible to rot. The surveyor will also check the bilge area for signs of oil leaks, rot and warping.

Ensure the stringers are connected properly

The stringers must be connected properly to the hull. If they are not, the whole boat will be doomed. It is not easy to tell if the stringers are well connected. This is more so for an untrained eye. Your surveyor may use a torch or other specialized equipment to determine the integrity of the connection. Any damage or separation has to be treated with extreme wariness.


Are you going for a sailing yacht? If you are, then you have to pay attention to the rigging and sails. These are very expensive to replace. Considering they are used regularly when cruising, you want to make sure they are in perfect condition. The rigging also has to be changed at least once every 10 years. Your surveyor will ask when the rigging was last changed.

These are just some of the areas that are inspected on the exterior. There are many more areas an experienced surveyor will look at. Make sure you get every inch looked at.

Boat Inspector Palm Beach

Boat Inspection Palm Beach – What to Focus on in a Fishing Boat Inspection?

Are you planning on starting a fishing hobby? If you are and plan on fishing on lakes or in the sea, you will need a fishing boat. The perfect fishing boat is one that is more than 20 feet long. Such a boat is stable and makes fishing easy. The downside is such a boat requires a considerable investment. Before committing to a boat, it is always good to get a boat inspection Palm Beachtrusts. You need to bring in an experienced marine surveyor to walk-through the boat and report on any issue. The surveyor will also help you know if the boat is ideal for your desired use. But what exactly should a marine surveyor focus on in an inspection?

Condition of the hull

The first thing your boat surveyor should look at is the condition of the boat’s hull. Keep in mind that the boat is a vehicle designed to work on water. It is the work of the hull to keep the water out so that the boat doesn’t sink. If the hull is rusted or damaged in any way, it may not do its job perfectly. A boat inspection Palm Beach is thus required to examine the condition of the hull. Moisture meters and thermal imaging may be needed to make sure the hull is in good condition. the surveyor will also be able to know if any major repairs were done and if more requirements are needed to make the boat sea-worthy.

Engine condition and capacity

Next, the surveyor has to pay attention to the engine. The engine is what powers the boat. if the boat is underpowered, the engine will end up overheating and will eventually fail. On the other hand, if the boat has been overpowered, this may compromise its stability more so when the powerful engine causes the bow to rise. This reduces stability and increases the risk of capsizing in rough waters. The boat surveyor will also check to make sure the engine is in good condition.

Fuel tank

Whether you bought gasoline or diesel-powered engine, you have to make sure that there is enough fuel to run you the whole way. This is why the boat surveyor will take a look at the condition of the fuel tank and its condition. There is no harm in having a 79-gallon tank on a 20 feet long fishing boat. A secondary fuel tank will be an added advantage.

There are many others areas your boat inspector will look at when assessing your boat. At the end of the inspection, you will be provided with a survey report that helps make the best decision on a fishing boat.

Boat Inspection Palm Beach

Marine Surveyors Palm Beach – How to Get the Most Value from a Boat Survey

Whether you are in the market for a boat or you are selling your boat, you will need the services of marine surveyors Palm Beachtrusts. The duty of the surveyor is to perform a thorough inspection of the boat and compile a survey report that helps you know the boat’s exact condition. All in all, for you to rip the most benefits from a boat survey, there are a couple of things you must do as a buyer or seller.

Keep a log of all maintenance invoices

As a seller, you want to make sure all relevant documents that pertain to the boat are present. That way you will make work easier for the surveyor more so when it comes to understanding the history of the boat. Clearing out personal items from the boat and getting them cleaned will further make work easier for the surveyor.

Let the surveyor know what you consider to be a red flag

As aforementioned, the job of marine surveyors Palm Beach trusts is to observe and create a report of their findings. If you don’t give them any special instructions, the surveyors will only follow textbook steps. To get more value out of the boat survey, you need to understand that the surveyor works for you. This means you can tell them what you are more interested in finding out. Start by letting them know what constitutes a red flag to you. This could include faulty engine mounts, moisture problems, and blisters. With this information, the surveyor will not only follow textbook steps but also pay attention to what you consider dire.

If there are deficiencies that will cause you not to pursue a boat, let the surveyor check those areas first. It is not uncommon for a marine survey to end abruptly. This happens when there is a clear defect that convinces the buyer there is no need to continue. When this happens, it is okay to agree on a partial payment with the surveyor.

Be present

This is the best piece of advice you can get. When you are present in a boat inspection, the surveyor will be able to show you their findings in person. You will also have the opportunity to ask any question and get clarification on anything. You should, however, note that it is not in the surveyor’s place to tell you whether to buy a boat or not. When you are present, you can also speed things up by helping by opening compartments, pulling the gear and cushions, and so on. You must, nevertheless, not get in the way of the surveyor. Give him or her enough elbow room.

Marine Surveyors Palm Beach

Marine Surveyor Palm Beach – Why Are Boats So Expensive?

If you are buying your first boat, you are probably reading this post because you didn’t know the cost that much. There is always that inevitable intake of breath when you first see the price tag. Boats are expensive both to buy and maintain. But is that high cost justifiable? To know what you are getting for your money, you first need to involve a marine surveyor Palm Beachtrusts. The surveyor will help you know if the boat you are targeting has been overpriced and if there are things you can use to bring the cost down. Here are some of the key reasons why boats cost so much.

Supply and demand

When compared with cars, boats cost way more. This can be attributed to the fact that cars are a necessity in the modern world whereas boats are more of a luxury. There is a low demand for boats than there is for cars. As a result, manufacturers don’t benefit from the economies of scale. They have to charge more for a boat in order to break even and make a profit. This causes the price of boats to go up. However, if you are after a used boat, the best thing you can do is look at the price of similar boats in your area and bring in a marine surveyor Palm Beach trusts to help you know the selling price of the secondhand boat is within the fair market value. The input of a marine surveyor will further help you know if the boat you are targeting has major issues.

Manufacturing costs

The overall cost of building a boat is the key reason why manufacturers cannot lower their costs. This high cost is obviously transferred to the consumers. The reason for the high manufacturing cost is the fact that, unlike cars whose manufacturing process is automated, most boats are built by hand. Moreover, manufacturers need vast shipyards where only a handful of boats can be built. The sheer size of boats and their complexity means skilled labor is needed. All these lead to a high manufacturing cost.


The horsepower needed on a boat has to be massive. This too causes the cost of manufacturing a boat to be high. Moreover, whether a manufacturer is working on a powerful RIB, a slow-moving riverboat, or a racy day cruiser, a lot of research and development has to be put in. All this costs money that is ultimately transferred to the user.

The high cost of buying a boat is what forces most people to opt for secondhand boats. These are more affordable than brand new boats. However, for you to end up with a good boat, you will need the input of a marine surveyor in Palm Beach. Let him evaluate the boat on your behalf and pay attention to the details in the survey report. That information will help you know exactly what you are buying.

Marine Surveyor Palm Beach